2008年3月16日 星期日

The Cathedral and the Bazaar

What does Raymond mean by the 'cathedral' and the 'bazaar' style of software development?

  • Cathedral- carefully crafted by individual wizards or small bands of mages working in splendid isolation, with no beta to be released before its time.

  • Bazaar- all people (could be anyone on the internet) work together on the project. And by releasing the bata version, people all around the world can work on one project.

According to Raymond, what is necessary for a successful bazaar-style project?

  • It has to be open-source.
    Certain software designing and coding skill is required.

Do you think Raymond's characterization of these styles of development is accurate? Why or why not?

  • Yes. The whole point for Linux system is “Open-Source.” Because of this, Linux software should be done by “People,” not “person.” And with more and more people involved into the project, the more good ideas will get into the project too.

In your opinion, what sorts of projects tend to be successful open-source projects? What is it about them that causes this?

  • One good example, Wikipedia: this is not about software, but it is really simuler with open-source spirit. And as people can see now days, wikipedia have got great success already. I believe that’s because everyone can join it, and people can share and receive knowledge from each otheranytime at anywhere.

In your opinion, what sorts of projects are better suited for commercial development? Why is this?

  • Software likes Micresoft Office. That’s because this kinds of softwares are require high level of stability. That’s why it is probably better design and written by one group or one certain people.
